
of haste中文什么意思

发音:   用"of haste"造句
  • 憎恨的
  • haste:    n. 1.急速,紧迫,仓促。 2.轻率。 F ...
  • a----haste:    加速术
  • haste:    n. 1.急速,紧迫,仓促。 2.轻率。 Fool's haste is no speed. 〔谚语〕傻瓜紧张,白忙一场。 Marry in haste and repent at leisure. 〔谚语〕草率结婚事后悔恨。 More haste, less [worse] speed. 〔谚语〕欲速则不达。 H- makes waste. 〔谚语〕忙乱易错。 in haste 急忙地;仓促地。 in hot haste 火急。 make haste 赶紧。 make haste slowly 慢慢快起来,开头别太快。 make haste to [and] (do sth.) 赶快(做某事)。 vi. 赶紧,匆忙。 haste away 赶忙走掉。 vt. 〔古语〕使快,催促。
  • in haste:    匆忙地,草率地; 急急忙忙地; 急忙的; 急忙地;草率地; 急速地
  • haste haste:    疾速行动
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The enemy 's retreat left marks of haste .
  2. Most anarchist assassinations were bungled because of haste or spontaneity, in his view .
  3. Show us the meaning of haste
  4. The amount of haste granted by a point of haste rating has been increased by about 50 %
  5. Colonel , interposed the officer of the suite , there is need of haste , or the enemy will have moved up their grape - shot guns
    “上校, ”侍从武官打断他的话, “要赶快采取行动,否则,敌军把大炮移近一点,就要发射霰弹了。 ”



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